2024 was the year I finally snapped and entered my grumpy old man phase.
It came to me as I was once again doom scrolling the social media sea of shit, one morning in bed. I had woken up, and just like millions around the world I reached for my phone and started consuming the world’s worst news, delivered in the worst way - without context, analysis or nuance.
I’d start my day angry. Angry at the idiots. Angry at the news. Angry that the bad shit in the world continues to happen. I’d often send the day dwelling on the world being on fire, grumpy and unable to snap out of it.
There’s a great quote from Jason Pargin novel, “I’m Starting To Worry About This Black Box of Doom”, where one of the main characters, Ether, says:
“…everything that happens on our screens is designed to do [this], to repel us from one another, to create a war of all against all. It’ls like a filter that only shows you others’ bad behavior, blocking the pure and letting through the poison… long-term, it traps your brain in a prison, that i’s designed to keep you inside, alone, with only those screens for comfort.”
One morning I woke up and I realised, I can take control back from this “black box of doom”. I don’t need to start my day like this, ingesting the “poison”, engaging in the “war of all against all”.
So I changed up my mourning routine. Now, instead of waking up and reaching for the rage bait machine, once I’m awake I get out of bed, head down to the kitchen, put the jug on and grab a cup of coffee.
One day it might be espresso, another day a filter, or even some instant. It doesn't matter because it's the next step that is important.
With mug in hand, I sit.
For a few moments, I sit and just let the brain wake.
I might just stare into the vacant distance. I might look at the trees. I might notice that the grass needs mowing. I might wonder what ahead for the day. But I just let it happen.
This isn't mindfulness or meditation - I’m not trying to go for zero thoughts, and I’m not overly concentrating on what I’m drinking - it's just a slow and steady booting up of the brain. It could be for a minute, it could be for 10.
Once I'm conscious and ready to rock, that's when I reach for the phone - I'm not a luddite and I’m not naive enough to think I can shut myself away from the madness forever. But now my brain is operating, and coffee is pumping through the system, I can actually apply some critical thinking it what I'm consuming, and I'm much more easily able to process it, without the rage. I can make more conscious decisions about what I’m choosing to engage in. I get to control how I feel.
And I feel much better.
This isn’t some sort of wellness bullshit, a life hack to allow you to fit 4 days into 1 day, or a fast track to being a CEO. This doesn’t bring you wealth or fast cars or a jet boat.
All it did, for me, was help me to start the day a little softer, be a little less grumpy old man, and more coffee drinking junkie.
Luce from the great Substack “Shit You Should Care About” included a great mantra in her latest newsletter:
“Slow down, the only thing you’re rushing towards is death.”
I reckon leaving device alone for a bit in the morning certainly helps with that.
Would love to hear how you start your day or what your morning coffee routine is. HMU in the comments.
Get up when I wake up (never set an alarm unless I’m on a ‘red-eye’ flight and never snooze/doze on weekdays), go out to the kitchen and turn on the espresso machine, usually after putting on some pants (but not always). Do Wordle and maybe one or two other daily quizzes or games, quick tidy up in the kitchen if needed, start throwing lunches together for the day then feed the dogs. That usually fills in 10-15 minutes allowing time for the Breville DB to heat up and I can get onto making myself a flat white. Enjoy the flattie. Then my day can begin in earnest.
Another beautiful piece of well written stackage. Superb quotes. The rushing towards death comment really resonates; becoming slow enough to process and savour each moment is fast becoming my guiding inspiration for 2025. The world needed this post in lieu of how triggering so much of the external world is becoming. I shall continue to make my morning wake up times sacred and spesh.