It’s only a few weeks into the school holidays, there’s COVID in the household and the parents are still working.
To keep the constant ‘I’mmmmmmm boooorrrrrred’ at bay, I hired my children to smash out some summer content for The Magic Roast.
So here’s a story, about a bean and a drop of water. Words by Melody (10). Pictures by Evie (6).
The bean and the drop of water
Once upon a bean, there was a bean, so a pretty boring story aye? Long story short, that's not the full story. Anyways I'll start from the top.
Once upon a time, a very brave… and ugly bean, was sitting on the beach at around 2:30pm. His name was Cof. Yeah I know a pretty weird name, but it makes sense later on in the story.
Anyway Cof was living by himself and he was also single. He thought he would never be in love and he would die alone. Until a drop of water came along, and sat next to him on the beach.
She introduced herself as Fee. Yes again another weird name, but at least it’s not as bad as Cof. And yes, you also might have the same thought as me, just add a ‘T’ and her name would be ‘Feet’! I reckon Feet is an awesome name but anyways let's get back to it.
Fee sat right next to Cof. Cof got quite the fright (and yes I did rhyme on purpose).
Cof glanced at her and then realised she was really REALLY pretty, unlike him.
Fee turned over and looked at Cof.
“You look like you need a friend to talk to, yes?’’ said Fee.
“Ummm yeah I guess so. What's your name?” asked Cof.
“Fee, but what about you? What's your name?” asked Fee.
“My name is Cof and I’m single if you're wondering,” replied Cof.
“Ummm ok, I wasn't wondering by the way,” said Fee.
“Oh umm, well this is awkward,” Cof thought to himself.
“Do you want to get some ice cream together, I can pay for it”, asked Fee.
“Sure, let's go,” replied Cof.
They both got coffee flavored ice cream.
Then they finally realized they were meant to be. If you didn’t know in their world if two people’s names match up with each other and make a word they are soulmates.
So yeah obviously if you haven’t realized by now in the story that their name’s match up and say the word “coffee”, I feel sorry for you.
So yeah they end up getting married 2 hours later and 2 years later they have a child and they name it, well you probably already know what I’m going to say, but if you don’t again I feel sorry for you.
Anyway drumroll please duh duh duhhhhhhh… it’s named Coffee.
So very surprising yes I know.
The end.
Cof and Fee - where too next?
Well that sure was an amazing tale.
I’m sure we’ll be hearing more from Cof and Fee before the school holidays are out!
Until then, Happy New Year.
I searched "cof and fee" and found this.