Things you should know #6
Get salty with your coffee; Wellington mag runs a cynical popularity contest; Flight Attendants are grot (apparently).
Tēnā koutou whānau. I hope everyone has survived the lastest wet weather. It seems that the two constants in life are unpredictable, wild weather, and getting an email from The Magic Roast every Tuesday. Here are some things you should know.
In this week’s edition: Get salty with your coffee; Wellington mag runs a cynical popularity contest; Flight Attendants are grot (apparently).
Get salty with your coffee
Have you ever thought about adding a bit of salt to your coffee? No doubt, this is the furthest thing from your mind. But it’s a thing and it’s worth a hoon.
Science time. Your tongue is magic and detects a heck of a lot of different things in our food and drink. Different parts of the tongue detects different compounds.
There’s a part of your tongue that detects bitterness. Salt binds to those taste buds, reducing its ability to taste bitter things.
Bitter things like reaaaaaaaly bad coffee.
This article from Perfect Daily Grind goes on to say:
When would you use this magic tip? If you have no choice but to drink the most stale, over extracted, bitter cup of the black stuff, add some salt to save your taste buds.
Only a little bit though. Learn more by watching this James Hoffmann video.
Capital Best of Wellington 2023
Capital Magazine is back with their ‘best of’ popularity contest. It’s your annual chance to vote for the businesses you think are top of the pops in Wellington.
At its core these sorts of polls are probably okay. However they are often biased towards what is the most popular, rather than what is the best. And in a town like Wellington, we all know what that can cause…
The nominees for best coffee and best cafe are:
Best coffee
Caffe L’affare
Coffee Cave
Coffee Supreme
Good Fortune Coffee Co.
Havana Coffee Works
Revive Espresso
Skunkworks Coffee
Three Quarter Society
Best cafe
Bellbird Eatery
Black Coffee
Caffe L’affare
Coffee Cave
Evil Twins
House of Good Fortune
Lunch Money
The winner will be whomever the public thinks deserves the publicity and the limelight. Either that, or it’ll be the one with the most resourced and well organised comms and marketing team…
It’s all a bit cynical and pointless, but go and make sure Frank’s gets your vote, before 3 July.
Thanks for reading this week’s edition of Things you should know.
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Be careful with hotel coffee makers…
Now, this might be complete horse shite, but holy moly this story is wild.
Bon appetit is reporting that flight attendants may use hotel coffee makers, like a plunger, to CLEAN THEIR UNDERWEAR.
In equal parts I hope this is both true and un-true. In reality it’s probably a wives tale, but oh my, how great is this!
Spruge had a few things to say about the whole thing as well.
Good times!
Have a wonderful week.
If the rain is bringing you down, keep this whakatukī close to hand:
E tūtaki ana ngā kapua
o te rangi, kei runga te
Mangōroa e kōpae pū ana
The clouds in the sky gather, but above them extends the Milky Way.