This post is about failure, setting goals that you don’t achieve, and why it doesn’t really matter.
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Once upon a time…
About a month ago, maybe longer, I announced to the world that I was training for the Tarawera Ultra 21km event in February.
I also noted in that post that I had done one training run before hurting myself playing football.
Well, I’m now six weeks into training. And my training plan said I should be hitting about 4-5 runs a week. So, I should be 30 odd runs into the training.
I’m not.
I’ve done seven.
Seven is better than none. But not as good as eight. Or 30 odd.
So, where has it all gone wrong? Injury. Busy. Family. Weather. Not feeling it. Other things. Lack of fitness. Old age.
I mean, you could look at it like the last few months have been a failure.
I’m trying to not look at the last couple of months as a failure, or missed opportunity, or left fitness out on the track. I’m not a professional athlete - so why hold myself to those standards? I’m a full time working dad of two, husband of one, coffee drinker who has a life to live.
And, importantly, that included training for the 2022 New Zealand AeroPress Champs (post coming soon). Training is training right?
I’m training for this thing because it’s fun, not to win the race. And sure I’ve missed my ‘goals’, but they’ve been replaced by other amazing things filling my cup. So. have I failed? Hell no - I’ve just succeeded at different things.
Injuries are lame
My focus on other fun things has been supported by injury and an ongoing Achilles injury.
Achilles injuries suck.
It appears that my injury has been caused, in part, by my arch that collapses when I run, and exacerbated by football.
Some physio has helped, as has orthotic inserts in the shoes which is stopping my foot from caving inwards. The flow on impacts of this is other stress in other parts of the body, leading to more niggles and this weird lump at the top of my shin.
On the plus side, that has meant a greater focus on recovery, stretching and strength. I’ve been able to get into the gym and do some biking to try and keep the legs turning.
But nothing beats actually running.
Not that it’s been a failure… just a challenge.
Recover Athletics - App
Time for a special recommendation from The Magic Roast.
Along side the physio, I’ve been using an app called Recover Athletics.
Recover Athletics has a range of short pre-hab, re-hab, and pre and post exercise activities that aim to keep your body working well, or get you better after an injury. It’s backed by sport science and evidence, so you know it’s good.
Most of the ‘workouts’ are around 15-20 minutes, and include a range of guided stretching and strength activities that you can do at home with out a lot of equipment (I’ve nabbed myself a foam roller and a resistance band to help - both from The Warehouse and super affordable given the benefits).
The cool thing is, you can dial in a specific area of the body, or a specific injury you’re trying to recover from, and it’ll tailor a set of exercises for you.
It’s been around for a while, but has recently been purchased by Strava - so it’s free for Strava members and when you go for a run, the app will pick that up and remind you to do some stretching. Not sure what the cost it otherwise, but worth checking out anyway.
It’s been great for the rehab.
Four months to go
There’s four months to go before TUM21. Not as good as six, but better than three.
I'm really just focusing on enjoying the training (when I get to it) and looking forward to going to a run with heaps of rad people. Any thoughts of smashing any records are out the window - this is about having fun, and the event looks like it’s going to be a blast no matter what happens.
I don’t want to ruin any enjoyment I have of running by making this a bigger deal than it is. Cos if you’re not having fun, what’s the point anyway?
Choon of the month
In the small about of training I’ve managed, I’ve been blasting this track. Worth a hoon next time you’re our and about.