Hi Catherine, thanks for the suggestion. I did a small double take when I read this, as I genuinely expected a cafe recommendation other than one of the giants, but I’ll take it.
So, I didn’t have any intention of tackling a Starbucks in my travels to be honest. My intention is in no way a negative dig at their coffee or anyone who likes their coffee; I respect coffee-passion, and I love that everyones’ likes and experiences are unique! What I don’t like though is supporting a chain, especially when there are so many incredible exceptional small businesses out there. I guess on the plus side the chain does employ real people, and hopefully pays taxes. So, while I haven’t been to a Starbucks since December 2018 I will consider breaking my dry spell just for you.
Hi Catherine, thanks for the suggestion. I did a small double take when I read this, as I genuinely expected a cafe recommendation other than one of the giants, but I’ll take it.
So, I didn’t have any intention of tackling a Starbucks in my travels to be honest. My intention is in no way a negative dig at their coffee or anyone who likes their coffee; I respect coffee-passion, and I love that everyones’ likes and experiences are unique! What I don’t like though is supporting a chain, especially when there are so many incredible exceptional small businesses out there. I guess on the plus side the chain does employ real people, and hopefully pays taxes. So, while I haven’t been to a Starbucks since December 2018 I will consider breaking my dry spell just for you.
I’ll be sure to let you know how I get on.