If you look closely at the product page on Aeropress website, they specifically say it does not make "real espresso", only "espresso-like crema" under some conditions. Nor should anyone expect actual espresso out of an Aeropress anyway :P
Hi J-Lin - thanks for popping by! Yeah totally, the AP website is clearish on that, even if describing something as 'espresso-like' still creates confusion. I would note that when it was first released at least, product reviews and the marketing hype did point to the direction of it being able to do 'espresso'. I would say that some people looking for 'espresso' or 'espresso-like' from the AP would be really disappointed, like you say. I reckon we just let the AP shine as it is - a wicked filter brewer! Thanks for commenting!
If you look closely at the product page on Aeropress website, they specifically say it does not make "real espresso", only "espresso-like crema" under some conditions. Nor should anyone expect actual espresso out of an Aeropress anyway :P
Hi J-Lin - thanks for popping by! Yeah totally, the AP website is clearish on that, even if describing something as 'espresso-like' still creates confusion. I would note that when it was first released at least, product reviews and the marketing hype did point to the direction of it being able to do 'espresso'. I would say that some people looking for 'espresso' or 'espresso-like' from the AP would be really disappointed, like you say. I reckon we just let the AP shine as it is - a wicked filter brewer! Thanks for commenting!